Blog Index June 13 2023

Levenshtein Edit Distance with AVX-512

Levenshtein edit distance is a one of the most famous of dynamic programming problems. For anyone not particularly familiar with the algorithm or perhaps just in need of refresher, I’d suggest checking out What’s a Creel’s video on the algorithm. At the very least, it’ll be helpful for understanding the rest of the writeup.

A short while back I watched the video for a second time and given my fondness for SIMD vectorization, I thought it would be fun to apply AVX-512 to this problem.

Opportunities for Parallelism

Before any algorithm can meaningfully benefit from SIMD vectorization, an opportunity for parallelism must be found. One way to find such opportunities is to identify the things which limit our ability to parallelize the algorithm, and to then to find the circumstances under which those limitations don’t apply.

Looking at the tabulated Levenstein edit distance algorithm, it’s fundamentally based on the filling a two-dimensional table. In order to compute a table entry, three entries must be known beforehand: the one above the current cell, the one to the left of the current cell, and the one to the upper-left of the current cell. If we wish to compute the value of multiple cells in parallel then those cells must simultaneously satisfy these requirements.

Taking a look at the “cabbages” vs. “rabbit” example from What’s a Creel’s Video, this would mean that if we wanted to compute the value for the cell marked X, then the values for cells A, B, and C would be necessary to have beforehand.

Table with diagonals

Before the main table-filling loop begins, the base cases are handled by populating the cells within the top row and the left-most column with the index of their column/row respectively. These base cases are also illustrated in the previous image.

The only cell that meets the evaluation criteria immediately following this initialization is the cell at (1, 1). However, once that cell is evaluated, the cell to the right, and the cell below can be evaluated in parallel. This statement remains true for subsequent iterations, which produces a pattern where the cells that can be evaluated in parallel are arranged into ascending diagonals within the table. This pattern is illustrated in the following image where the cells with the same colors can be evaluated at the same time.

Table with diagonals

This fact becomes the opportunity for parallelism which we can exploit through the use of SIMD vectorization.

Memory Layout

If attempting to create a parallelized implementation that follows this approach there is one particularly important detail with regards to memory layout. Ideally, the memory layout of the diagonals would be contiguous so that all it takes to populate a vector register is a single SIMD load instruction (which operates on contiguous bytes in memory).

The most obvious way to go about accomplishing this would be to diagonalize the memory layout of the table. This is to say that the table’s memory layout should follow the diagonals which were previously illustrated. The table as a whole could still be contained within a single contiguous allocation. Within this allocation, the diagonals would be stored contiguously, starting from the top-left to the bottom-right of table.

While we’re pondering memory layout, we might as well note another optimization. We can note that at any given time, only the two previous diagonals are required to populate the current diagonal. This means that instead of creating an allocation large enough to store the entire table, it need only be large enough to store the previous two diagonals and the current diagonal. In a moment we’ll see that it’ actually possible to further reduce this to keeping around only enough memory to store two diagonals. The memory to store these diagonals could be allocated upfront as a single contiguous buffer equal to three/two times the maximum size of a diagonal (which we’ll also look at how to compute in a short while). For the sake of this discussion, I’ll refer to these as diagonal buffers, although in reality it’ll just be a singular large buffer as that would be the most efficient solution to this problem.

With the diagonal buffers typically being larger than the actual diagonals which populate them, this brings up a question of how the diagonals should be packed into the available memory. Perhaps the most obvious approach would be to pack each diagonal at the start of the diagonal buffers. After all, this is how this problem is most-commonly addressed, such as is the case for a dynamically-sized array for example. This approach could be visualized as follows on the left where the rows in the illustrations are actually the diagonals from the earlier table.

However, this naive solution presents a problem. Although the ultimate goal is to produce a vectorized algorithm, for now consider a purely scalar approach to understand what the issue is. Looking at the figure on the right, you may notice that the positions of A, B, and C relative to X are not consistent. The selected table entries show the variety you’ll find there. If I is the index of the current cell X, then the index of A may either be I or I + 1. The index of B may either be I - 1, I, or I + 1, and C’s index may be either I - 1 or I. Although it would be possible to proceed with the current memory layout, the need to handle this variation adds additional and unnecessary complexity to the body of the table-filling algorithm.

However, a simple change in the way that diagonals are packed into the diagonal buffers can eliminate this inconsistency. Again, it’s illustrated by colorful boxes below. Under this alternative scheme, the diagonals whose first element comes from the left-most column of the table are packed to the right of the diagonal buffers and those diagonals whose first element comes from the bottom row of the algorithm are packed to the left.

Note that now the relative positions of A, B, and C are consistent where they were previously inconsistent. Indeed they’re now consistent for all cells in the table, not just those illustrated.

Another optimization that comes from this memory layout is that it’s possible to maintain only 2 diagonal buffers instead of 3. Let’s say that we’re in the middle of running the algorithm, filling in some diagonal and we’re working on the Ith entry in the current diagonal. We’ll call the previous diagonal d0, and the diagonal before that d1. We’ll write the result for the Ith entry directly into d1[I]. This is safe because the value previously at d1[I] is not necessary by this time. If you look at the previous figure(right), you’ll see that d1[I] is only used to compute the I - 1th entry, that is, the last entry to be computed. Hence, the value we’re overwriting has already served its purpose and is safe to overwrite.

This optimization can also be applied when vectorizing the algorithm for a similar reason. Although, the reasoning there isn’t necessarily that the values we’re overwriting has been used in the filling of previous cells. It’s mostly that the values we’re overwriting are used by the current vector of entries and hence, the values still get used as intended.

A Scalar Diagonal Implementation

It’s worthwhile to create a purely scalar solution that follows the diagonal memory layout followed so far. There are more details still need to be fleshed out and this will serve as an opportunity to address them without having to deal with the added complexity of writing vectorized code.

First, we must compute the number of diagonals in the table. We can note that for every entry in the table’s left-most column and the bottom-most row there would be a diagonal whose first element would be that entry. The sum of these values would be 1 + L0 + 1 + L1 and to remove the double-counted entry in the lower-left corner of the table we of course subtract one for a final formula of 1 + L0 + L1. We’ll call this value k0.

Furthermore, we need to determine the maximum length of a diagonal in the table so that the diagonal buffers can be allocated at an appropriate size. It should be intuitively obvious that this is dependent on the size of the table, and that the table’s size is dependent on the length of the strings being compared. To that end, let L0 be the length of the first string and L1 be the length of the second string. Then the table would be L0 + 1 cells wide and L1 + 1 cells high. If it’s assumed that the input strings are of equal length then the table is square, and the size of the longest diagonal would straightforwardly be equal to the table’s width or height since the longest diagonal would have a cell for ever row/column. If the input strings are not equal in length, and the table is rectangular, then you can imagine that it contains a square sub-table. This square sub-table’s sides would be equal in size to the full table’s smallest dimension. Hence, the length of the largest diagonal(s) in that case would be min(1 + L0, 1 + L1) or 1 + min(L0, L1). We’ll call this value k1.

Then we must also compute at which index within the diagonal buffers each diagonals begins/ends. However, note that the table cells which are bases cases can be handled in a scalar fashion once per iteration which runs over the diagonals. This is more efficient because otherwise there would be a need to include more logic within the loop which runs over the elements in the current diagonal. This means that some diagonals may not need to have their very first or last entries included in the range covered by the indices we’re trying to compute. The last figure once again offers a lot of intuition. The left side of the diagonals follows a linear function beginning with k0 - 1 and decreasing by one each iteration until reaching 0, so the formula for the first index of the ith diagonal would be max(k0 - i, 0). By a similar analysis, the formula for the index of the last element to be processed, or rather, one past that element would be min(k1 - 1, k0 - i).

However, these formulas are actually based on the assumption that the first string is longer than the second string. If the strings are passed in reverse order, then the table is transposed and the diagonals look like this:

Transposed diagonals

The arrangement of the base case entries isn’t as neat, and doesn’t follow the established formula. Although it’s possible to handle this through mild augmentations to the computations of the aforementioned indices, it can also be straightforwardly avoided by simply swapping the strings upfront at minimal cost.

However, note that this assumption that the first string is the longer of the two also simplifies the computation of at least one of the previously mentioned values. The maximum length of a diagonal can be implemented simply as 1 + L1.

We might as well note that the first diagonal will always just be a singular 0 and that the second diagonal (should both strings be non-empty) will only ever contain a pair of 1s. Should either input string be empty then we can just return the length of the longer string. This means we can cheaply handle these edge upfront and skip a couple of the algorithm’s interior loop.

With those details worked, out we can construct a scalar implementation of the algorithm, the code of which is available on Compiler Explorer. The implementation is somewhat clunky, but ultimately a functional example of diagonalizing the memory layout and serves as a starting point to construct th e vectorized implementation.

AVX-512 Implementation

With the scalar implementation on hand, now it’s time to actually vectorize the algorithm. Beyond the changes that have already been made, the real changes are to the algorithm’s interior loop, the one which iterates over the current diagonal.

We can begin by noting that, as is so often the case when processing an array in a vectorized fashion, the vector of elements being processed will be fully populated for all iterations except for the last one. For the very last iteration we can leverage AVX-512’s masked instructions and for all earlier iterations we can have a separate implementation that’s assumes a full vector and is therefore a little simpler.

In line with this, the we’ll compute the number of iterations.

The loading of the values of A, B, and C is a straightforward vectorization of the scalar approach. The only real difference is the use of j_begin + j to compute the index of the current .

Computing the cost via construction is also straightforwardly vectorizable due to the existence of the vpminub instruction.

The loading of the character vector is the largest challenge which is found here. Although loading the ch0 vector is straightforward, loading the ch1 vector is marginally more complex because the characters actually have to be in reverse order for the logic to work appropriately. Reversing the contents of a vector at a byte-wise granularity can be done using a vpermb instruction rather easily, however note that there is a slight problem that arises when the vector isn’t full. It’s necessary to perform a load such that last n elements in the vector are the first n elements of str1 so that the reversal of the vector’s elements will put the elements at the right location. (Note that technically the pointer passed to the load will actually have to be before the start of str1. Technically, the mere computation of this pointer constitutes UB according to the C++ Standard since it does not point to an object, and does not point to a memory address within an array or one past the last element, however in a practical sense, this is not likely to be a real concern).

Again, the code is available on Compiler Explorer.


Naturally, the next step is to compare the actual performance of the vectorized algorithm. However, trying to analyze the performance of these algorithms is slightly non-trivial because the performance is not a simple linear function of the size of the input. Additionally, neither is the speedup that we can expect from this vectorization. It’s not until there are 64 non-base-case elements in a diagonal that the 512-bit vectors will be used to their full extent.

Furthermore, the scalar implementations are liable to have branches whose predictability will depend on the inputs. Although whether actual branches or conditional moves are used will itself depend on the compiler and compiler flags used. I don’t attempt to account for this here but the benchmark code should be easy to modify to this end.

Instead, here I choose to simply compare the performance under the assumptions that the two input strings are of equal length and there is a 50% chance that any pair of characters at the same index will be equal. Under these assumption, the benchmarks were performed for 9 different lengths of inputs strings.

In addition to the typical implementation of the tabulated Levenshtein edit distance algorithm, I also threw in the variant which maintains only the only maintains the previous row just to have more context to interpret the vectorized results against.

I ran the tests on my i7-1065G7, compiled them with GCC 12.1.0. The executable’s outputs were run 50 times and averages computed from that.

The result of the code are as follows:

Full Table Implementation:

Time(ms) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 255
Mean 1.35 1.59 2.54 6.04 23.0 100 452 2050 8388
Std. Dev. 0.20 4.34 97.4 0.31 0.92 2.73 7.07 19.7 80.2

Single Row Implementation:

Time(ms) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 255
Mean 1.30 1.61 2.52 6.05 21.4 81.6 340 1397 5468
Std. Dev. 0.19 3.84 72.5 0.25 0.86 1.99 5.86 14.5 49.2
Speedup 1.04 0.99 1.01 1.00 1.07 1.23 1.33 1.47 1.53

Scalar Diagonal Implementation:

Time(ms) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 255
Mean 1.53 1.87 3.61 9.56 31.0 105 413 1654 6453
Std. Dev. 0.23 2.88 88.6 0.41 1.02 2.9 7.99 17.2 59.7
Speedup 0.88 0.85 0.70 0.63 0.74 0.95 1.09 1.24 1.30

AVX-512 Diagonal Implementation:

Time(ms) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 255
Mean 1.31 2.50 4.90 9.56 20.7 40.0 80.8 165 349
Std. Dev. 0.13 0.00 29.2 0.19 0.37 0.59 1.06 6.56 26.3
Speedup 1.03 0.64 0.52 0.63 1.11 2.50 5.59 12.4 24.0

Interestingly enough, it seems that all alterative approaches yield performance improvements for large enough inputs. For shorter strings there isn’t necessarily a clear benefit to the alternative techniques. The vectorization approach doesn’t appear to perform as well as the full table scalar implementation until the input strings are at least 16 characters long, although there is a decent increase in performance as the input strings become meaningfully larger than that. However, the vectorized algorithm doesn’t support strings longer than 255 so as things are the performance gains appear to be capped at around 24x.

Potential Improvements

The current vectorization approach is rather naive from a number of angles, imposing various limitations. There are however ways to go about working around this.


It will have stood out to those familiar with text encoding schemes that there is an assumption made that each character in the string is represented using exactly a single byte. Although in theory, this algorithm would work with any 8-bit character scheme, it’s likely to break in practice. Multi-byte encoding and variable-width encoding schemes are commonplace. In the case of constant-width encoding schemes, it’s straightforward to modify this algorithm to operate on 16-bit or 32-bit characters. However, for variable-width encoding schemes, it’s a bit more complex since the vectorized approach fundamentally relies on an assumption that all characters are represented with a constant amount of bytes.

One possible solution to this problem would be to pre-process the string upfront. A map could be used to associate each unique character, codepoint, or grapheme, whichever is relevant, to some arbitrary integer value. This integer value would only have to be wide enough to encode as many unique values as there are keys within the aforementioned mapping. The algorithm could run then on an array which operates on an array of these mapped integers instead of the original data.


Perhaps a more straightforward issue, the algorithm breaks down when either input string is longer than 255 characters long. Making the strings longer would require representing a cost of 256, which would overflow an 8-bit integer. In a practical sense, in many programs strings are generally quite short, and 255 characters may very well be good enough. However, the previous benchmarks show that there isn’t a benefit under those circumstances anyways.

After coming up with the approach shown here, I did look through a handful of papers which described alternative approaches and some did include approaches that, if vectorized as done here, could work for strings of any length so long as the edit distance is no greater than 255.

A more straightforward approach to addressing this problem would be to use 16-bit integers to store the edit distances, however that will likely infringe upon the performance improvements, as well as add complexity to the implementation.

Register Only Implementation

AVX-512 features 32 512-bit registers. Looking through the disassembly on Compiler Explorer, it’s possible to see that the register zmm0-zmm5 are used, but that still leaves 26 registers free for other purposes. Collective, these registers could store 1664 bytes worth of information.

The fine details here will clash with the aforementioned encoding issues, but if we continue with the assumption of one byte per character, that means 1664 characters that could be stored, or two diagonals containing up to 832 bytes each. It was previously mentioned that the maximum size of a diagonal could be computed as 1 + min(L1, L2). This means that so long as one of the strings passed to the algorithm is no more than 831 bytes in length, then there is no need to perform a dynamic memory allocation or perform any load/store instructions to handle the diagonals. Although at the same time, with the limit of being only to work with strings up to 255 bytes in length anyways, much of this potential is not usable with the current approach regardless.

More to the point though, this means that the current algorithm could be modified such that no diagonals need to be stored to/loaded from memory, potentially improving performance.

If nothing else, creating such a register-only implementation would be an interesting problem to deal with next.